Does It Work?

When I try things, I'll write about what works and what doesn't. Leave a comment if you want me to try something and review it.

The only magnetic nail polish I've tried is Sally Hansen. If you read the instructions on the bottle, the magnet will move the nail polish into a design. As for other brands of magnetic nail polish, I'm not so sure about how well they work. Let me know if it does.

Sally Hansen Magnetic Nail Polish: WORKS!  
Does taping around your nails work for an easy clean up? In my opinion, I think putting tape around your nails so the polish doesn't get on your skin is a waste of time and tape. You can't fully cover every edge of skin with tape unless you tape your fingers up and use A LOT of tape. When you try to put tape around your fingers its just bulky, distracting, and gets in the way. Parts of your skin still get exposed to nail polish anyway. Even if you use tape, you are still going to have to clean the edges with a cotton swab and remover. I much rather just let my skin get messy and clean it with a cotton swab and remover. Chances are that you're going to have to do it anyway even if you do try tape. Why do double the work?
Forget the tape!


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